Fiesta Wildflower Rides



Register now!

Event Location

Event Parking

Post Ride Fiesta Area

PLEASE NOTE: Parking areas at Rolling Oaks Mall

have changed slightly from previous years events.

20 mi
40 mi
60 mi

Please Note: To download GPX files below from your browser first right click on link with mouse and then select "Save Link As".

This will dowload the gpx file to your device and then it can be loaded unto your Garmin.

(The 20 mi and 40 mi routes are the same as 2018-2019 routes and may reflect those dates.)

20 mi GPX file
40 mi GPX file
20 mi GPX file

Fiesta Wildflower

Fiesta Wildflower Ride

E-mail us for additional information

- or -

Call 210-845-6094 - Ask for Andrew